The Undead in Literature

in All About Zombies

Exploring the undead is a common literary theme. People love to think about what it would be like to be involved with a terrorist society that may have zombies, vampires, or other creatures that are among the undead. There are so many stories out there that allow these dimensions to be explored.

Some of them display the undead as caring such as the Twilight series. Others create them as victims and they long for being human again. Of course there are those that also create a very strong power to be reckoned with and the undead are very determined to get their needs met.

Literature that involves the undead can take many twists and turns. Some of the material is in a format that includes evil elements. The old scenario of good versus evil plays out in them. Others have the story line of the apocalypse or a scientific element. For example what would occur if something scientific went wrong and it could turn people into zombies or worse?

Under the cover of night vampires have always been said to take victims. There are stories in literature about them being able to completely wipe out complete towns and leave questions behind. Others talk about the vast number of missing people in society and gives credit to the underworld of the vampires as the reason for why they are gone.

There are even some wonderful and chilling love stories about the undead in literature. For example those that have to kill their loved ones because they have turned into creatures that aren’t fully human any more. That can be a huge decision but ultimately they have to do it in order to survive themselves.

There are some that would like to join the undead too so that they can continue to have a relationship with someone. This only future shows that the depths of love can’t be stopped by anything natural or unnatural in society. There would be no barriers at all to keeping such a couple from each other.

What you think of the undead in literature often depends on what you are interested in. Some people relish on the classics that allow you to really enjoy older stories that have been well liked over the decades. Others are interested in the newest collection of literature that has give the undead a great spin. With the availability of social media people get curious to read what other people have been talking about.

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