Zombies in Pop Culture

in All About Zombies

Zombies have always been one of the most well-loved creatures to scare us. They have been scattered in books, movies, and even video games. It seems that we just can’t get enough of them. Even though many people like the newer ones due to the graphics there are plenty of older Zombie elements that continue to be part of our culture. People don’t want to replace them. Instead they just continue to add to them.

Halloween is one of the holidays when people feel they can really bring the Zombie element to life. They may dress up as one, they may decorate with items that look like them. The more you can scare people the better. The ideas continue to grow in terms of what can be part of a Zombie prop or costume. Even if you see 30 people dressed as a Zombie for Halloween they can all have very different looks.

There are some places that host Zombie costume contests. They only allow people dressed as one to enter. They offer some great prizes too such as cash and trips. The idea is to see who can come up with the most original and the scariest idea.

What is it about the Zombie that has us so enthralled? For many it is the fact that they are the undead. They still have some humanistic characters to them. Some do worry that with the popularity of vampires these days that the Zombies will lose their status. However, there are enough fans out there to keep them going strong so there is nothing to worry about.

There are older black and white Zombie movies, there are great novels, and some of the best video games around feature them. The idea is that people can’t get enough of them so the entertainment continues to give in to those demands. Yet they can offer fresh spins on them to keep it real and interesting.

There are Zombie conventions that take place around the world. People that have a love of them will gather for several days. They will talk about Zombies, look at new items, evaluated older items, and even spend large amounts of money on Zombie collectibles. These conventions seem to grow in number annually. They also seem to attract more people all the time. There is really no limit to the fun that people experienced being part of it!

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