5 Best Zombie Movies

in All About Zombies

It can be hard to narrow it down to the top 5 Zombie movies due to how many of them out there are really exciting and fun to watch. However, these are the ones that have made the very top of the list. If you haven’t seen any of them then you really have to make it a point to do so.

#5 — Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead is number 5 on our Top Five list.

Shaun of the Dead is #5 and it is a great Zombie movie. If you are an avid fan of Zombie shows then you will enjoy it even more. This is because the story line for it is based on a variety of different Zombie movies. It also pokes fun at many of them in a way that is absolutely hilarious. The humans toss daily items around them at the Zombies and it works which is very funny indeed.


#4 — The Return of the Living Dead

Most sequels just can’t hold up to the real thing, but that isn’t the case with The Return of the Living Dead. In fact, many think that the gory effects of this one is better than the first one. If you are looking for a Zombie marathon of movies get this one and the first one and you will be all set.

#3 — Night of the Living Dead

On the list of the top 5 best Zombie movies this one is #3. Many would argue the point about which one should be before the other. The bottom line though is that you can’t go wrong with either of them. What is cool is that you can watch each of them alone and they will make sense. They aren’t like other Zombie movies where if you watch them out of order you are just lost.

#2 — Brain Dead

If you are looking for a movie about Zombies that has all the blood and guts you can handle this is it. However, it also has a comical side to it which means that you will be able to enjoy some humor too. Even those that aren’t fans of the suspenseful Zombie movies are going to really love this one that is light hearted but also really interesting to watch.

#1 — Dawn of the Dead

Topping the list is Dawn of the Dead from 1978. Of course the remake of it is really good too. This is one Zombie movie that has a really good story line to it and that is why everyone seems to like it so much. The fact that a great deal of the story takes place in a shopping mall brings to life the concept that it could happen just about anywhere.

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