5 Best Zombie Novels

in All About Zombies

Some of the Zombie novels out there are spectacular and they give you a chance to be able to use your imagination to create the characters the way you see them. Such novels can also be hopeful when you have teenagers that don’t like to read. Yet if they love Zombies they won’t be able to put these books down.

#5 — Day by Day Armageddon

J. L. Bourne is the author of Day by Day Armageddon. It talks about the apocalypse and the emerging Zombies that come with it. The book is from the point of view of a military man that is trying to survive in all of it. The day by day accounts document his strength to survive, his encounters with Zombies, and even his plan of being able to stay out of their grasp.

#4 — Walking Dead

Robert Kirkman offers Walking Dead. The story is about a policeman and how he deals with the arrival of the Zombies. While his passion is to help others he ultimately has to do what he can to help himself. The Zombies are well described and there is a many details about how they turn from the living into the undead.

#3 — The Rising

Brian Keene is the one who brings us the amazing Zombie story called The Rising. What makes this so special is that the Zombies are highly intelligent. They are able to think, to process information, and to adapt to their environment. They are also portrayed as being very evil and that gives a dark side to this novel.

#2 — Autumn

If you haven’t read Autumn by David Moody then you are certainly missing out on a great Zombie movie. You can read part of it online for free and then buy it if you want to continue (and you will!). There are now five books in this series and you will be inspired to continue along with them one after the other. The psychological elements through the story as told by survivors are chilling.

#1 — World War Z

The best Zombie novel by far World War Z by Max Brooks. It has a very delicate balance throughout the book that helps to keep it real. The risk of war is one that we all worry about with other countries. This book covers what it would be like for that to occur with Zombies. The book is very intense and intriguing with plenty of surprises from start to finish.

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