Survival Plan for the Zombie Invasion

in All About Zombies

We all know that the inevitable will happen. Zombies will return and roam our cities eventually. Many people live in denial and suggest that ohhh, it’s just a book, or its just a movie. Thing is books and movies tend to become reality.

Have you noticed how many past books and movies have happened true to life? I bet you have seen plenty of zombie movies, yet you likely aren’t prepared for the invasion. It is similar to a natural disaster, we have all witnessed on the news, and in the papers places that go through hurricanes, and other brutal events. Thing is only a few people are prepared and know what it takes to survive.

Are you ready if the zombie invasion happened tomorrow? Likely not, sure there are likely some people that are prepared for a drought, earthquake, or other natural disaster. The numbers sadly are small likely 3 out of 10 are ready. The numbers that are prepared for the zombie invasion is likely more in the neighborhood of 1 out of 100.

They are coming to get us!

When I discuss this with people I usually get two responses, the first being that I am crazy. The second being that I’m not worried I know what to do to survive. The crazy comment I am not too worried about. Those people will be the first at my door when the invasion starts. Those that think they are prepared might be for a short period. After all you can only remember so much from the movies you watched or books you have read.

It is essential that you have a well laid out plan. Write it all down, have maps, and most importantly have a back up plan. Some even recommend having a back up plan to your back up plan.

We all have first aid kits for medical emergencies. You need a Zombie invasion kit as well. Keep plenty of matches, lighters, torch material, guns, ammunition, as much fuel as possible, dry goods as you will need to be able to feed yourself for at least a week or two. Depending on where you live you should also have a dedicated area that you intend to lock down and live in for the duration of the invasion. A crawl space or garage will work well. You need to ensure that there is limited access, one entrance, no windows is advisable. Board up any other access.

Your backup plan should also have an escape route. You need to be able to pull up stakes and make a run for it if you are being overcome by the zombies. All of this is dependant on the numbers of course. If the invasion is minimal (10-15) you should be able to manage to eliminate them. If the numbers are medium to large (20-100) You will need to be prepared for one hell of a fight.

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